Getting around Chianti

What kind of transport is available in Chianti, Italy?

Chianti has a good bus network with the buses connecting Florence or Sienna with the towns in their respective provinces, but less often connecting the towns to one another. These buses are very comfortable but are essentially a service for taking workers and school children to their respective destinations, so that the timetables sometimes don't suit tourists (e.g. the last buses in the evening depart quite early and very little service on Sunday).

More about getting around in Chianti.

There is no railway in Chianti, although at the turn of the century there were steam trams going as far as Greve but these were soon replaced by electric trams and finally by buses.

Getting around in Chianti

Up until WW I and even later, the better classes had a coach with footman.

A Chianti diligence in the 1890's.

A Chianti diligence service existed from at least around 1845. The service to Greve was known as the "Procaccia".

Chianti steam tram at Falciani

The Chianti steam tram at Falciani. The service began on 3 April, 1893.

chianti bus

By 1917, buses were starting to compete with the tram route. By 1926, the trams were all electrified but the route closed in 1935.

chianti sita bus

The bus routes are now served by the comfortable Pullman buses of SITA and other companies.

Bicycles and scooters can be hired but the best way of exploring the highways and byways of Chianti is by car. Rental cars are available in Florence and Sienna but rarely or never in the Chianti towns.

More about Chianti without a car.

More about traffic violations in Tuscany.

More about cycling in Chianti.

More about renting a car in Tuscany.

Minibuses driven by qualified guides are an excellent though expensive way to see a lot of Chianti with as little lost time as possible. Many of the guides have access to castles and the like that are not open to the general public and a tour can be combined with wine or olive oil tasting.

More about minibus transfers and tours.

As far as motoring for pleasure is concerned, Chianti is a paradise. Although there is heavy traffic at rush hour on the main routes into Florence and Sienna, the country roads carry only light traffic for much of the day, although sometimes a large amount of bicycle traffic on weekends. The dirt back roads, the "strade bianche", that are so characteristic of the Chianti countryside, can be explored not only by car but also by bicycle and on foot, and provide a wonderful insight into life in rural Chianti and the routines of the chiantigiani. The Chiantigiana Highway (SR 222) running right down the middle of Chianti from Florence to Siena is on of the most enjoyable motoring routes in Tuscany and indeed in the whole of Italy.

More about roads and driving in Tuscany.

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